
Sunday, March 13, 2011

its the way Grama did it

Today, I did our weekly family outing alone, as my boys are both sick.  Every Sunday we travel about 20 minutes north to an organic produce market, and then hit Henry's Market for our bulk, meat, and dairy items.  You may find it strange that we go so far for these items when there is a farmers market here in town, but the prices and selection are so much greater north of us.  We are however really looking forward the community market that will be opening soon here in San Clemente.  Anxious really.

I've considered it worth my efforts to lessen my carbon footprint by purchasing as much un-packaged or recyclable items as I can as well.  Which means, yes...squeezing my own orange juice.  Let me tell you, its so much better fresh!  Try it you'll be impressed.  Even comparing the oranges from the market vs. the farmer's market.  WOW!  How much more juice comes from a freshly picked orange.  So worth it.  If the local dairy farm in Orange County delivered their milk in glass jars I'd be ordering that too.  But sadly they use plastic. Blah!  The bulk items are also a plus because not only can you use your own packaging, but the items cost considerably less when you only buy what you need. 

I went to visit my Grama recently and was telling her about the intentional changes we were making in our home, and how so many of our friends find it strange and not worth the efforts.  She laughed and said to me, "You know Lindsay, that used to be the way everyone shopped."  But really although I squeeze my own juice and prepare all our meals, we get a lot of family time together.  Our food is healthier, and there is satisfaction that comes with caring for my family in this way.   We recently read about two families that not only did we find we had things in common, but we were challenged to go a little further within our means.

Check out these resources and try making a few changes in your home.  Its easier than you think, and every little bit helps:D

The New Good Life  by John Robbins
The Zero Wast Home  Scott & Béa Johnson

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